Austin Burleson

Business Development

Owner & Creator.

Cene began as a hobby in the hearts of two creatives who found a love for watching small business owners and entrepreneurs succeed in their dreams. Austin has 10+ years of creative work in digital media, web design, photography, video, film, and more.

A passion for Business Development

Your business is only as strong as your weakest system. Austin is your systems guy who will help you work out the kinks and hiccups of where your business may be losing money, time, or customers. A good company is always thinking ahead and constantly refining its systems.

Latest Projects iPhone 14 Pro Faith Church
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Recent Projects

Explore some of the recent projects our Cene Team has been working on.
Coldwater Landscapes
Coldwater Landscapes
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Social Media Management
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Digital Ads
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University of North Alabama
University of North Alabama
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Photo & Video
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Marriott Shoals Hotel & Spa
Marriott Shoals Hotel & Spa
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Photo & Video
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